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Will "Will C." Chalmus

Director of Creative Inclusion, Lead Faculty Member, and Curriculum Design Director, Perrone-Sizer Institute for Creative Leadership

Will C. develops program curricula, teaches, and coaches educational leaders at the Perrone-Sizer Center for Creative Leadership at Hale. He also provides consulting services for Hale’s Impact Partners (schools and organizations that collaborate on extended learning initiatives). When he’s not at Hale, Will C. is a university professor and international performer, trainer, and administrator of Playback Theatre. He’s a respected poet and creative event planner who engages communities through the arts. In his free time, Will C. enjoys traveling, eating, cooking, surrounding himself by nature, and “building authentic relationships through existential conversations with empathetically reflective individuals.” He earned a B.A. in Theater Arts from Brandeis University and an M.Ed. in Arts in Education from Harvard University.

A trail meanders into a pine grove

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